
Top 5 Steps of Email Marketing Success

Top 5 Steps of Email Marketing Success

Posted by Ally Driscoll on September 2, 2015 at 1:30 PM
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Effective email campaigns are one of the most difficult marketing strategies to master.

Writers of email marketing campaigns take their fingers to the keyboard in an effort to create a compelling piece of content that will reach the eyes of their target market and persuade them to take a particular action. This is not a simple task.

Creating a persuasive email campaign from start to finish works as one of the best tools to earn new sales.

Here are five steps to help you excel at your next email marketing campaign:

1. Master the Subject Line

The first thing that your reader will see is the subject line. This short phrase is what will make your reader decide if they want to open your email to read more or if what you are sending is garbage and has no relevance to them. The subject line is so important and plays such a critical role in an email marketing campaign that many marketers go through a series of tests with a variety of subject lines before sending an email out to their entire list.

To master your subject line, try a few phrases on a small sample of your email list so that you can be sure you are sending out the best subject line for your campaign.

2. Deliver value through personal content

When your reader does open their email, they expect to see something of relevance to them. They invest a portion of their time to read what your business has to say. Therefore, in order to be persuasive, the content you provide them must be relevant to their needs and help them solve a problem they may be having. Bold sales messages fall flat in email inboxes. Instead, focus your content on providing something of value. This will encourage your reader to trust your business and take action.

3. Avoid spam triggers

Email address holders take the items that land in their inbox seriously. The government designed the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 as a standard to limit businesses sending unsolicited emails. To help reduce the number of unsolicited email messages that arrive in a person’s inbox, email and software providers have created solutions to keep the bad stuff out and let the good stuff in. To avoid triggering your email as spam, ask your customers to whitelist your company’s domain name and avoid filling your email with large images or content that is not relevant to what you offer.

4. Create a balance in timing

The frequency in which you email your list of opt-in recipients is also important. Emailing your list too often can result in people growing quickly tired of your constant messages. However, if you do not email your list enough you risk not maximizing the full potential of your list and having your customers forget about your brand. It is important to find the right balance in frequency for your business.

5. Watch your analytics closely

There is no one formula that works for all businesses. To be successful in email marketing, you must determine what works for your company and what does not. Follow analytics to learn what your customers want and what turns them away.

As a marketer, you are constantly looking for ways to improve your strategy so that you can earn more business for your company.

By following these five steps, you have the ability to create a piece of content that will have a big impact on your company’s bottom line.

DiscoverTec specializes in email marketing. Learn more about our Whitelisted software today.

Topics: digital marketing, email, marketing