App development involves more than merely creating an application with the right bells and whistles. If you want to create an app that drives user engagement in a fundamental sense, you need to employ a technique called "deep linking." Not only does it simplify onboarding new users, it simplifies tracking and provides insights that can help you tweak your offering into the next must-have app.
Google Featured Snippets: Why are They Important and How to Get Them
Search engine rankings can make or break a business. If your business doesn't optimize its content and pages for search engines, it could end up several pages deep in search results - in other words, exactly where would-be customers won't find you. It's a problem, but search engine optimization should not be your only concern. There are also Google Featured Snippets to think about.
Topics: digital marketing
You likely have a profile up on LinkedIn. Chances are, your business also has a company page on LinkedIn. While there are millions of people on this professional social networking platform, many fail to use it to its full potential. For marketers, LinkedIn has immense value that can help you get ahead regardless of where you are in your career.
Topics: social media, digital marketing, marketing, LinkedIn
Effective email campaigns are one of the most difficult marketing strategies to master.
Writers of email marketing campaigns take their fingers to the keyboard in an effort to create a compelling piece of content that will reach the eyes of their target market and persuade them to take a particular action. This is not a simple task.
Topics: digital marketing, email, marketing
Pinners have become obsessed with finding new ideas, projects, quotes, images and more through this new and innovative platform. With the increased consumption of visual content, rather than simply text-based articles and blog posts, the Internet has once again opened new ways for marketers to reach their niche.
Topics: social media, pinterest, digital marketing, marketing