Spam traffic appearing in the referral section of Google Analytics has been a thorn in the side of many marketers for a while now. No matter what efforts are taken, it always seems like more junk referral sources keep appearing and throwing off website, traffic numbers. While there isn’t a bulletproof solution to completely stop these spam sources from making reporting harder, there are some preventative measures that can be put in place to help minify the issue. This three-part blog post will cover how to first identify these spam referrals sources, and then how to manage them in an efficient way.
How to identify and filter spam referral traffic (Part 1 of 3)
Topics: marketing
You likely have a profile up on LinkedIn. Chances are, your business also has a company page on LinkedIn. While there are millions of people on this professional social networking platform, many fail to use it to its full potential. For marketers, LinkedIn has immense value that can help you get ahead regardless of where you are in your career.
Topics: social media, digital marketing, marketing, LinkedIn
Effective email campaigns are one of the most difficult marketing strategies to master.
Writers of email marketing campaigns take their fingers to the keyboard in an effort to create a compelling piece of content that will reach the eyes of their target market and persuade them to take a particular action. This is not a simple task.
Topics: digital marketing, email, marketing
Pinners have become obsessed with finding new ideas, projects, quotes, images and more through this new and innovative platform. With the increased consumption of visual content, rather than simply text-based articles and blog posts, the Internet has once again opened new ways for marketers to reach their niche.
Topics: social media, pinterest, digital marketing, marketing
SEO and Analytics
Having a website that is listed in the first few pages of search results when your customers search for the product or service you offer is crucial to your success. After all, studies show that 93% of Internet experiences start with a search.
Topics: marketing, web design
Using Color to Connect with New Clients
A lot of people will tell you that your website design is extremely important. It is true that a website might be the only connection that a company has with a potential client, and they need to use their website in order to strengthen that connection. There are billions of websites on the internet, some of them are extremely complex while others are as simple as it gets.
Topics: marketing, web design